Day 2- References, Ideas, and Testing

Tuseday, May 9th-

Tuesday began with another lovely breakfast accompanied by some worries; reference photos. Lighting, background, expression, basically any nature of the photo and how well it will transfer to 2D and black and white.

First at a bit after 8:40, was taking some new reference photos and choosing from past ones, such as this likely candid photo from the other night.

After having some preferred photos I'd briefly look them over in editing through cropping and exposures. Once I'm satisfied I head over to the Library to print them out!

(An extra note is how common grid scaling is! This was a Pinterest search for detailed charcoal portraits and a little way down all of these can be found.)

With all of that, leads to this beautiful temporary scaling of Logan's face... This has at least assured me that I will be using thinner lines in editing.

After scaling out a separate piece of paper, I begin dusting off my charcoal and grid work. It's been a good year or so but for a quick draft, I now know how to continue for tomorrow. -Having finished up at 3:00 today with a solid six hours.

In wrap, the day was more productive than I was expecting with six and a half hours, and I am quite content with how it went. As for tomorrow, I know what I need to get done and check over before I start on the final paper. 

-Finished writing @ 7:02pm


  1. This process is so interesting - and the drawing of Logan is AMAZING!!!

    1. Thank you Heide, I was rather surprised to see it on the Instagram since it was just a reference sketch... anyways, it's looking much better today!


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