Day 5- Under the Knife...

 Firday, May 12th-

Ok, so something is clearly wrong with the face, and while I was staring at two zoomed-in photos, one of the actual photo and the other of the current drawing, I noticed some slight but key differences. 

(And yes I did print out another photo and cut it to match the drawing) -I am just going the describe the differences I noticed and am focusing on because I don't know what else to write about. 

    Ok, so the key differences are that the bridge of the nose's angle is off by a couple millimeters, the neck starts too far back, and while the bottom teeth need to be redone they are off nonetheless. As well as the upper lip is too sharp of an angle and the cupid's bow needs to be raised... So small stuff, but basically all work I do before hair and background will be just this minute. However, I am excited for the coming weekend as I am planning to work on the hair a lot!

Also, this afternoon was the first time I've walked through campus in a while and I saw the new blossoms!

-Bit under 6 hours today as it was rather tedious work... Written @ 7:49 pm.


  1. Interesting analysis and progress. And congratulations for the work you did with Ada and the Engine!

    1. Thank you! It was so much fun~

  2. Brave approach to lay the photo next to the piece-in-progress!
    And the apple trees are so lovely! So many changes to observe....

    1. Haha exactly, it's certainly the quickest way to find differences, but not the most forgiving.


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